October not only brings with it cooler temperatures and fall colors, but this month also comes alive with vibrant colors, sounds and flavors of Germany as we celebrate German Heritage Month. The month of October was chosen because it marks significant historical events, such as the arrival of the first German immigrants to America.
This celebration is a recognition of the rich history and culture of German society that is so woven throughout Hermann Sons Life’s story. German Heritage Month originated to honor German immigrants who helped shape the history and culture of the United States, as well as Hermann Sons Life. Germans have made so many valuable contributions to our country including science, art, music, literature and even founding the organization we now know as Hermann Sons Life, just to name a few.
Our roots date back as far as 18 BC when our namesake Hermann (Arminius in Latin) was born. Please be sure to check out the story of our history in the Hermann Sons Life newspaper’s October edition, click here or you can view it on this website under the Who We Are tab. It gives a timeline of our history.
German Heritage Month also serves as a reminder of the diverse immigrant history of the United States. So many ancestors came from countries from all over the world in search of a better life for their families with the promise of the American dream. It’s beautiful to see how far we’ve come as a country and as an organization by embracing new members from all walks of life. By doing so, we welcome differing perspectives and traditions and create a more enriching experience for all.
This is wonderfully exemplified at our Camp in Comfort. Our beloved Executive Camp Director Ian Brassett, who was raised in England, and Vice President of Member Benefits Cecily Kelly have made it possible to hire counselors and staff from a number of other countries to work at our summer camp. This creates an even more culturally rich environment for our campers, counselors and staff alike as they get to share and experience so many unique things about each other’s home countries.
While we have come a long way since our “passing the hat” days of our founding fathers, no doubt their message of fraternalism still rings true today through our acts of community service, not only in Texas, but across the globe.
They have paved the way for countless contributions in the lives of Hermann Sons Life members and their communities as we work to strengthen the world around us. I am thankful that we can still celebrate the German roots of our beginning while welcoming members from every background.
Hermann Sons Life has amazing members and benefits and it’s too special to keep to ourselves.