Hermann Sons Life
We Strengthen Community

Everyone can get involved!

One of the greatest ways we strengthen community is through membership in our social groups we call lodges. Herman Sons Life has more than a 100 lodges throughout Texas. Lodges are a group of members gathering regularly for fellowship, fun activities and community service initiatives. You and your family can be active in the lodge of your choosing. Our newest lodge, Greater Texas Lodge, is a virtual lodge for members who find it more convenient to meet virtually and still be an active participant in lodge activities and service projects.

  • Get Involved
We Strengthen Community

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* denotes virtual lodge.

Officer Forms/Lodge Planner

Each lodge is responsible for completing and submitting forms to the Home Office at various times during the year. The forms below are fillable forms that can be directly submitted online to the Home Office once completed. The same forms are also available in the Online Planner (accessible below). Those forms must be printed, then filled out and mailed. Please keep a copy for your records.

If you have any questions, please call 1-800-234-4124 or email.

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