Preparing Your Camper - Hermann Sons Life
Hermann Sons Life
Develops healthy friendships and enriches lives

Preparing Your Camper

Summer camp is more than a ton of fun – it is a place for personal and social growth exploration and learning to be part of a larger community.

The level of preparation for time away from home and family can impact how rewarding the Camp experience will be for children.

  • View Activities

Helpful Tips

  • Attend Camp Open House in June. Join family and friends to take a tour of Camp, participate in some Camp activities and meet Camp staff.
  • Express confidence in your child’s ability to stay at Camp for the full session. While you will miss your child, don’t place that burden on the camper. Be positive about the camp experience and talk up the exciting camp activities they will get to participate in and the great new friends they will meet. Remind them there will be counselors there to help them. Tell them you are very excited and proud of them for all they will get to do and experience!
  • Arrange practice time away from home, such as a weekend with grandparents.
  • Talk about how you will keep in touch. Your child can write letters using pre-addressed, stamped envelopes or postcards you provide and you can send letters or free one-way emails.
  • Talk about your child’s concerns. It is natural to miss home but focus on what’s happening at Camp.
  • Be sure your child knows what to do if upset – talk to a counselor or the Camp director.
  • Review the Parent Handbook, click here
  • Keep scrolling for Packing List and other notes!
Hermann Sons Life Camp

Packing List

Wondering what to pack for Camp? This is a sample packing list. Tailor it to your child’s activity choices. Every camper will receive a water bottle. This saves the Camp from buying more than 70,000 Styrofoam cups!

Here are some essentials you’ll need for a typical week at camp. 
  • Six of each of shirts, shorts, socks and underwear
  • One white T-shirt or pillow case for tye dying
  • Two Swimsuits
  • Light jacket, rain gear (poncho)
  • Hat or cap
  • Pajamas
  • One pair of jeans
  • Twin-size fitted sheet
  • Pillow with case
  • Blanket or sleeping bag
  • Two towels and wash cloths
  • Swim towel, water shoes
  • Laundry bag for dirty clothes
  • Toiletry items
    (soap, shampoo, toothbrush and paste, hair brush or comb, deodorant, etc.)
  • Sunscreen and lip balm
  • Letter writing materials
    (addressed & stamped envelopes)
  • Something to wear to the Camp dance
  • Tennis shoes (athletic type)
  • Shower shoes
  • Flip-flops or sandals (for cabin use)
  • Bug repellent
  • Flashlight
  • Anything else to make your stay happy such as a favorite stuffed animal or reading material

Please note:

  • Water bottle is provided.
  • Camp provides all sporting equipment.
  • Camp assumes no responsibility for loss of or damage to personal items.
  • Do not send snacks with your camper. Camp provides snacks twice a day.
  • Please do not allow campers to bring electronic devices such as cell phones, iPads, tablets, music players, etc.
  • Knives, fireworks, all weapons and explosives are prohibited.
  • No pets!
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