Retirement Home Scholarship Application


Applicant must be a member of Hermann Sons Life for a minimum of five years and have a certificate of insurance and local lodge dues paid up at application date.

A $1,500 scholarship will be awarded to one student from each of the four Hermann Sons Life regions as chosen by the Home Scholarship Selection Committee. The scholarship application must be submitted by April 1 of the year the applicant plans to attend his or her first year at a four-year university, two-year community college or trade school.

The student may make application for the Hermann Sons Life Retirement Home Scholarship in addition to any other local lodge scholarship program.

Scholarships will be awarded to recipients during their schools’ annual scholarship awards program or commencement exercises. The scholarship must be used within one year of notification or recipient will forfeit the scholarship. Upon registration at the school of choice, send a copy of classes and fees paid to Hermann Sons Life Retirement Home Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 689, Comfort, Texas 78013-0689 and the recipient will personally will receive a check for $1,500.

High school grades will have no bearing on qualifications to receive this scholarship, only the student’s desire to better himself/herself. Transcripts, resumes and other letters of support or recommendation will not be read by the scholarship judging committee. Do not send them with your application.

The recipients will be notified before the news is made public.

    Name of Applicant*

    Date of Birth*



    Street Address*



    Zip / Postal Code*

    Name of High School

    Graduation Date

    School Mailing Address



    Zip / Postal Code


    Contact Person (Counselor, Principal)

    Date and place scholarship awards are presented

    Date and place scholarship awards are presented

    Member of Lodge

    What Hermann Sons Life activities (Junior Chapter, Dance, Camp) have you been involved with and for how long?

    Choice of College or Trade School

    Field of Study and Why

    Name of Parents/Guardians

    Parents/Guardians Phone

    Parents/Guardians Occupation(s)

    Parent/Guardian Mailing Address



    Zip / Postal Code


    Upload an essay document of 300 words or less about what Hermann Sons Life means to you.


    Your Pictures (Two Pictures)*

    Please upload a pictures of yourself that is no bigger than 4 MB. This picture may appear in the Hermann Sons News and on this website. It may also be used for other publicity.


    Electronic Signature *

    By typing your name in the box above, you certify that the information submitted in this application is correct and truthful to the best of your knowledge. In addition, you agree to permit the review of the application and any records included by anyone representing the Hermann Sons Life Retirement Home Scholarship Fund or its selected Scholarship Selection Committee. If awarded the scholarship, you promise the money will be used toward the payment of tuition and fees and required books, supplies and equipment. Furthermore, your typed name certifies that your legal parent or guardian has authorized you to apply for this scholarship.


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