Lodge Newspaper Report
A fillable newspaper lodge report form is provided below. Lodge meeting details can be typed directly into the form and submitted online along with photos.
Reports and photos can also be directly emailed.
Photos should be of good quality and size. In the space provided, identify every person by first and last name and preferrably from left to right. Provide a brief description for each photo.
All lodge reports for the Hermann Sons Life Newspaper are due by the 10th of each month. While every effort will be made to include reports submitted after the deadline, there is no guarantee there will be room for it once the production process has begun.
It is important to remember the newspaper runs ahead of schedule, for example, the January edition deadline is Dec. 10. The January edition is mailed out by the last week of December. Keep this in mind when promoting upcoming meetings and events.
For any questions, call 210-226-9261, ext. 279 or email.