Returning & Junior Staff Application

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Camp Name*


    Phone number*

    How many years have you been at Hermann Sons Life Camp?*

    Positions you have held: (click below and check those positions that apply)

    For each checked category, please indicate how many years you worked in that position*

    Are you applying for an internship, other jobs or programs that could change your availability for camp this summer?*

    The position I would like to assume this summer is (click below and check those that apply)*

    If you are applying for a new position, why this position? What qualifies you?*

    Please share the skill sets you might have for the position(s) you are applying for this summer

    Why do you want to come back to Hermann Sons Life Camp? Please be as thorough and specific as possible*

    What lessons did you learn from working at camp last summer? Have you applied these lessons in life back at home?

    Are there any improvements or goals you would like to make in your job performance for this upcoming summer?

    Are there any improvements you’d like to see in Camp? Are there any activities you'd like to see us add this summer? (day, night, special events)

    Tell me about a time last summer when you had an encounter with a fellow staff member that did not go well or you were not happy with

    As a returning staff member, you know how challenging life at camp is. Long hours, no privacy, minimal time off and close living quarters all combine for a very tense experience.

    Please share what it is about this environment that makes you want to work at Hermann Sons Life Camp

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