A Hermann Sons Life sales agent received a phone call from a parent who was unfamiliar with our organization. She had heard great things about our Camp from her daughter’s friend at school and wanted her daughter to attend. The agent responded that mom would first have to purchase a life insurance policy for her daughter; to which mom replied, “That must be a dangerous camp!” This is a true story – and proof that our combination of life insurance and Camp is truly different.
It is member benefits, like Camp, that makes us different from other insurance companies. When we return profits to our members in ways like this, we strengthen community. It is through the purchase of a life insurance certificate that one becomes a member of Hermann Sons Life. And it is almost 70,000 members that make it possible for Camp to be offered at a below-cost price. Life insurance provides valuable protection for the child’s future and in turn, the child’s membership affords top of the line member benefits, like Camp, and the ability for us to reinvest our profits into community service.
Of course, Camp is the safest of environments. Just ask Executive Camp Director Katie Miller about the precautions and safeguards we take and you will be amazed at the detailed planning and standards that are followed.
And Camp is fun and exciting for our young participants. But also, Camp makes a difference with our children. Talk to any child who has attended Hermann Sons Life Camp and you will hear stories of new things learned and new friends made. Some of the most impactful ways Camp makes a difference is through community living. Through living in cabins together, eating meals family style and sharing traditions at night like telling the positive events of the day in small groups, children gain the social and emotional skills to be strong leaders and community members when they leave Camp.
It’s all of these new and different situations Camp creates that help children to grow in such profound ways. And it is the longevity and excellent practices that are part of what make our Camp so extraordinary.
Camp and life insurance. When you look at how both strengthen community and make a difference, it is quite obvious why these are combined and why they make us a better kind of different.
I hope you will spread the word about the value of Hermann Sons Life membership and our Camp so we can make a difference in the lives of even more children.
Beverly(Paige) Paxton
My daughter Paige dances for herman and sons. We would like to go to the camp this year. We just do not have the paper work on it.
Hermann Sons Life
Hi! Registration information was mailed to the policy payors of eligible junior members. Please call us at 800-234-4124. Thank you!
Tami Ramzinski
I need the most basic insurance for my 11 yr old son to be eligible to attend summer camp.
Hermann Sons Life
Thank you for your interest in Hermann Sons Life Camp. In order to attend, children must be members of Hermann Sons Life. For information on becoming a member, please contact our Home Office at 800-234-4124 or contact a local agent. You can find an agent near you by going to https://www.hermannsonslife.org/agents/.
If already a member, then the registration instructions would have been sent to the payor of your son’s policy.