Jul 03, 2017

With the risk of this blog becoming stale, I want to offer some final thoughts on the 47th Grand Lodge Convention held May 1-3 in San Marcos. This Convention was an active and busy event for the 260-plus delegates who...

Jun 29, 2017

Founded on the principle that we should help each other in times of need, one important way we strengthen community is through service. Service is a key distinguisher of our business model. Lodges across the state continue to provide value...

Jun 20, 2017

Have you ever been to Deanville, Texas? I hadn’t until just recently when I attended the Hermann Sons Deanville Lodge meeting on June 4. The lodge building has a lot of history and when I arrived, a very large...

Jun 15, 2017

I recently graduated from Comfort High School and have been involved in Hermann Sons Dance for 10 years. Dancing has always been a passion of mine. Every Wednesday evening I would meet up with my friends after school and enjoy new...

Jun 08, 2017

It is hard to believe but there are only 27 days until the first-ever Grief Support Session that will be held at our Camp in Comfort this summer. The dates are July 5-8. We are so excited to meet all of...

Jun 06, 2017

We are so excited to have you join us this summer! We have so many wonderful and exciting things planned and we cannot wait to share those with you. You probably have a ton of questions about Camp so I...

May 31, 2017

Hundreds of Hermann Sons members are graduating from high school this year and are looking forward to enrolling in college in the fall. Seven of those members will be doing so with the help of one of the two major...

May 25, 2017

The reason I want to attend camp is that I want to make new friends. And maybe meet them again someday. I also want to learn survival skills. So if I get lost, I’ll know exactly what to...

May 18, 2017

History has always been an important part of our lives and the history of our organization is no different. We made history at the 47th Grand Lodge Convention with the important decisions lodge representatives made. Proposed law changes were brought...


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